Who would have thought that just hours before officially turning 25 I would be up baking 25 individual star shaped cakes? I never did, but you know me once I get a random idea it's not likely that I'm going to do something simple. I like to say go big or go home! Well I did, it took a bit of work, but I managed to bake and frost all 25 cakes and only about 7 went to waste that I know of. I baked the cakes not only for my birthday, but also for the spring picnic we were having for the staff at school. Even if it was a few weeks left until the official start of spring.
My 25th birthday started out uniquely. My mom started by texting me at 9 the night before to inform me that it was at that time 25 years earlier that she was telling my dad to hurry up and finish bowling, because she was going into labor with me. My dad texted me first thing the morning of my birthday to wish me a happy day. My mom also texted me a very special poem of sorts.
I guess that this would be a good time to mention that I was not looking forward to turning 25. It was a really rough start to a day that I honestly just wished would wait a few more years to come. I had always thought that by 25 I would have done so much more in my lifetime than I have. I thought that I would be married, finished with school and have started my career and be gearing up to have children. It was hard to think about the fact that I was turning 25 without any of those things being a reality.
I started my day by going to school and only informing my students that the day was special and that I had a surprise for them at the end of the day. When it came time for me to be able to share what I had for them (juice and cookies) they had many other guesses of what the surprise was, that their teacher was leaving early for the day, that the PE teacher was going to come in and sit with them, they had no idea that it was my birthday. When they found out they sang and gleefully drank their juice and ate their cookies.

After school was over Emily met me at my school and we ran errands together before meeting Matt and Jess at Red Robin's. I also had a good friend Breanna, who was working at the time to help make the evening even more special. We got seated before other people on the waiting list thanks to Breanna who was more than happy to add our table to her

already stuffed to the max section. We drank and ate and I opened some WONDERFUL gifts from both Emily (Thanks for my teacher stuff and my necklace!!!) and Jess (Thanks for my music, book and life support!!!). We also took some very crazy pictures and
Breanna even make me this awesome hat before she
(along with the rest of the restaurant) sang to me!
I loved the hat, even though it said "Wow you're old!" on it. I'm really thankful to my wonderful friends who helped make the day extra special!!!