24 January 2016

A Little More

I feel like my last post needs a follow up. I woke up that morning and just felt off. I felt lost. I felt all of those things I talked about. I wrote every word, and all the while my amazing boyfriend was telling me I was amazing. That I was enough. That I was beautiful. Even though he was telling me those things, I couldn't shake the feeling. So, I sat down at my desk and typed. I typed out all of the feelings that were crowding my heart and mind. I put it all out there and then I walked away. I waited for the moment that I would feel safe and whole again. He does that for me by the way. He makes me feel a peace I didn't know was possible. Each day he makes me feel a little more.

15 January 2016

A Little Less

I feel a little less today.
A little less brave.
A little less ready.

I feel a little less today
Like something vital is missing

I feel a little less today.
A little less strong.
A little less prepared.

I feel a little less today.
Like something's not quite right.

I feel a little less today.
A little less amazing.
A little less beautiful.

I feel a little less today.
Like I'm missing something big.

I feel a little less today.
A little less enough.
A little less worthy.

I feel a little less today.