25 October 2017


It's a little hard to believe that it's been almost a year since I last posted. I'm not entirely surprised but wow. I think it's time to attempt a brief update before I purge what has really brought me to my computer. Unfortunately I seem to be in the same place I was when I last posted in January.

January - Lots of snow days, trips to the mountain, and a HARD long term in 5th grade.
Multiple trips to Timberline with Erin.  
Long-term subbing at Elmonica Grade 5. 

Snowpocalypse 2017. Learning on the fly how to drive in the ice and snow.

Birthday celebrations with friends and family

Birthday messages from my work computer!

March - New bangs, which didn't last long (they're just to hard to maintain!). A SCARY fall of a chairlift required a trip to the Ski-Patrol. The ice on the dismount was too slick to maintain a turn. I thought for sure I had broken something or done serious damage. I couldn't get up on my own, but once I was up I was ok for the most part. Just some serious bruising. 

April - The best news of the year for sure! Finding out that Jessica and Matt were expecting was an amazing gift. I found myself lucky to be able to be a fairy godmother to this little one!
May - One classroom to finish out the year. Starting of new woodworking adventures. 
June - One killer road trip with the girls to the hottest area around. Literally with 120 degree temps we were practically melting. 
July - TRAC 2017 the year of Jonah and the Whale! It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.  Miller Family BBQ 2017. Got to finally meet Nikki and Kenny's youngest, Levi! He's such a ham! Even though it took him a while to warm up we got to spend some quality time with them. Hopefully Kenny will be able to be there too!
August - This month brought a change in relationship status, the beach and two concerts! Kenny Loggins at the Oregon State Fair and One Republic and Fitz & The Tantrums at the #thenamechangesconstantlyhowcanikeeptrack Ampitheater!

September - Baby shower and a trip to Kurious! 
Baby DeFran baby shower!

The end of September brought a GREAT trip to Disneyland with Emily!