19 November 2007

Life in Hell!

You know me, I'm not the type of person to just want to give up. But I have never had to fight the urge to disappear so hard in my life. I feel like I'm having a complete mental break down. I never thought that a simple job as a checker at a grocery store could cause such turmoil in life. I feel as if I'm fighting my way through a crowd that never ends. To top it off I feel like I'm being a brat and cannot control my emotions. I feel like I'm letting everyone down by not giving more than I have to this term. I seriously felt as if I'm failing for the first time as a student. What's more is that I have only and hour and a half and what am I doing with that precious time? I'm blogging, but why, ok so it's because I can't stand to think about these things for one more minute and I'm hoping that by writing it all down here, and doing what my father asked me to do in the first place (share what's going on in my life with those who want to know) I'll be able to do what I need to do to get through the day. The biggest problem here is that for the last four days I've been telling myself I just need to get through Monday morning and get my reading log turned in to Artman. GOD I HATE THAT CLASS!!!! But no here I am now after writing and math and I'm back where I started, in the state of just let me get through this. I honestly don't know how much more I can take of all of this. This is truly the worst term of my life! I'd take the term I failed math over this. I'm finally starting to calm down now, but go to work? are you kidding, yay I get to put on a fake smile and pretend that I actually care about the people I see! Ok so now that I've used 16 of my precious minutes I better go take a shower! Yes is 115 and I still have not had time to shower.


WWCCutie said...

I realize that I have been a horrible friend so far this year... It seems to me that you need someone to talk to...to get things out...to help you... I hope you feel like you can still talk to me... Anytime you feel like you need to...ANYTIME...call me... I'm still here. I love ya tons!

Emily A said...

I HATE ARTMAN TOO. I say we start a club. The Artman Haters....wait...The DR. Artman Haters, who hate the fact that she assigns too much homework and insists on being called DR. And can I just say she always manages to call on "the dog" who insists on calling everything "cute" and slurping her straw, and shedding all over everything! GAH. And then there is "glasses girl"! WTH I mean really...take the damn things off. WE ARE IN CLASS!

Okay...I have to be done now!

Dawn said...

Hang in there baby and never think that you will let me down cause you are going to get through this!!! And next term is a whole new beginning so make the most of it! I Love you very much and I am still just as proud of you as I always am! Everybody is entitled to some bad times and this too shall pass! Yo Momma

Unknown said...

you know how long it takes me to do this so that should speak for itself you will never be a failure in my eyes i know you will get through this you are one of the strongest people i know i think you get it from your grandpa by the way i dont do puncuatiopns just hang in there and i will be here for you and so will the boys

Alex said...

*HUGS TIGHTLY* Hey hun. Take a breath, it's ok. You know you're smart, so if the class sucks it means your professor probably deserves to get attacked by a herd of rabid ducks.

I know what it can be to be burnt out on something. I'm working at a job babysitting college students. Sometimes i feel like i want to stab myself in the eye just so i don't have to deal with their shit.

YOu need a short vacation. Survive to the end of the term. It's almost over. Maybe i should send you some more DVD's for the christmas time. Roswell last time... maybe Alias this time?

Smile hun, and keep in touch.

Oh and remember. You're REALLY freaking hot! ^_^