Well, we've been blanketed with white stuff since Sunday now. I got to Sean's late Saturday night and we'd planned to meet Gramma and Dad to go get trees on Sunday morning. Instead we woke up to a phone call from my dad telling us that we needed to look outside. Winter had officially arrived. So after watching the news, and talking to dad, we decided that coming into Gramma's wasn't the best idea. Instead we went to the store and picked up some food for later in the day and spent the whole day just layin around watching tv, cooking and baking. When we found out that Sean didn't have to work the next day we decided that we could sleep in. We got up late monday and decided to go into Portland. Though I'm not quite sure if we are sane. It was
very cold down there. Though I'm pretty sure we both had a good time.

This morning I got up and went with my dad to get trees for Gramma, Papa & Brandon. We went into Newburg and met up with uncle Mickey to get them. It was kinda nice to be able to spend some time just dad and me. On our way home we had to stop by his house to pick up some stuff and while we were there we took a break to play with the boys and build this amazing snowman. I know the picture's kinda blurry, but we had a blast. I was just going to make a mini one, really thinking that Wyatt would just start playing the the snowball thinking it was a ball he could heard. Then dad came out and started making the base. Once we got it all put together dad found some wood for the arms and I got out the spray paint to give him some eyes, buttons, a scarf and a mouth. We called it a day after that and headed on to grammas.
It's really nice to be back home and spending some quality time with gramma. It started Tuesday when I finally made it down from Sean's in Vancouver. We spent some time shopping and getting all of the "last minute" things we needed to get. Most of which wouldn't feel so last minute if it weren't for the peculiar weather we've been having. We've braved the weather a couple of times now.
Tomorrow we're gonna get the tree set up, and decorated. Hopefully I'll get some stuff wrapped and maybe even get a package ready to be mailed east to mom's.
Though I just left Vancouver on Tuesday morning I can't wait to get back up there. It's nice being able to spend more than just one day at a time with Sean. Especially since I know that winter term is just around the corner and will lead to very busy schedules for both of us.
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