07 January 2009

Ever Growing...

So I got to spend this past Thanksgiving taking a trip with my nephew Brett to Kennewick, WA to spend some time I with my mom. It's amazing to think that this boy is growing up so fast. I remember back when he was still a baby. I remember just days after they brought him home from the hospital and he fell off of the bed.
I remember him wandering around Gramma & Papa's yard following after with gardening tools in his little purple jumpsuit. I remember laying with him in his "big boy" bed to get him to sleep at night. I remember packing him around with me when I wanted to hang out with friends. I remember going with his first grade class to the pumpkin patch.

Now he's 13 and inches taller than me. Sometimes I wish he could just realize 1/10 of his potential. He's been so beaten down over the years I just can't imagine how he'll overcome it. I believe that his maturity level is so far behind that of his peers that he'll have a horrible time trying to catch up by the time he reaches high school. It seems like that everytime he appears to be on top of things that something goes horribly wrong and a good chunk of the time it's him that causes the problem, through lying or doing something that he knows good and well that he's not supposed to be doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good blog entry. ;0) I can tell the emotions of raising a 13 will take their toll on you as well. But remember he is not your child, but your nephew and love him as much as you can as an aunt. I love ya Cheese Fry!