14 September 2013

The Only Way is Up...

The situation at work right now is so bad, I think I'd be willing to say that I've hit rock bottom. For now I'll focus just on the work and classroom stuff... I took a picture of my classroom on the last work day before the students were scheduled to come start their year.
Yes, this is what the rooms look like for 2nd & 3rd graders. The desks are too large, (though before the students came they did swap out the chairs for smaller ones), there is nothing on the walls (though they did put up the bulletin boards before Sunday), There is a "smart" board, but no pen to use it with, and the software doesn't allow us to work on our computers while displaying anything. 

I would love to sit here and tell you all about the amazing things happening to me here, but it would be a complete lie. The biggest part of me believes whole heartedly that this was a huge mistake and I wish that I would have known how many half truths were being fed to me. 

We finally got our teacher editions on Thursday (That's my "friday") for math, but not for any other subject. I haven't actually taught my children anything in the week they've been in school.  They've spent much of their time in front of the screen watching videos, and to be honest not educational ones, save for an hour in the morning when they do signing time. 

There was one day that my students had to wait an hour and a half to get their lunch. It's things like this that make me so disappointed. The communication is insanely non-existant, and I don't have a functioning clock or AC in my classroom. Now some of you might need a reminder that it's over 100 degrees everyday here... 

I was first given a roster of 6 students for 2C... Sunday 5 of them showed up and they added two more throughout the day. Because of understaffing midway through the week we had to take 2A and divide the class between 2B and my 2C. I had finally started to get an understanding of my class when they added 5 more. 

Then there's the staff... Now let me start by saying that I LOVE the people I share my "home" with... but I am SO aggravated by the people that "work" with me... yes I said "work." I'm talking about those who are never where they're supposed to be, don't get the work done that needs to be done and basically leave all of us hanging...

So my goal for this week is to get things put up in my classroom even though I don't have everything I need... 

One step at a time... that's what I need.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Im proud of you for controlling the things you can and adjusting to the many things you can't. Being a similar personality type, I totally understand your frustrations. I can not even imagine a private school- who requires parents to PAY for their child to attend their school- isn't more put together. It's unacceptable for them to expect you to just 'figure it out' I love ya friend, and I know, this too will make you stronger both professionally and personally.