21 September 2014

In 10 years.

In ten years of friendship we've been through a lot. We've earned 3 bachelors degrees, 2+ masters degrees, and countless hours in classrooms. We've been through true loss, true love and everything in between. We've gotten new to us cars and brand new cars. Houses, apartments and even countries. We've dealt with brutal honesty and immense compassion. We've had our secrets from the world and our secrets from each other, though the latter don't stay secret for long. We've gone to Disneyland multiple times, even a one day fly by trip. We've done Vegas, and numerous trips to the coast. I can't even count the road trips... what 7?

I could start getting all sappy about just how much these two amazing women mean to me, but then I would get all weepy and that's just not necessary. So I'll leave with these parting thoughts... Without these two I don't know where I'd be. Lost in a lonely world that's for sure! They see all of my light, but love my dark. To Infinity and Beyond!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Beautifully written my friend. I feel the same way. I can't imagine a more diverse, true friendship than ours. Thanks for always being there.