20 November 2015
All Mine?
I don't even know where to start with this one... I am a full-time 6th grade teacher. I am LOVING my job! Yes, I've spent almost every one of the last 15 days trying to keep my head above water, but hearing my colleagues affirmations and reminders that this is only my second week and I was just thrown into it are what keep me going every day. I walked into a district I had no experience in, a building I didn't even know existed, to a grade that I always said I'd never teach. I am SO glad that I took a chance. I know that for the last 6 years I've talked about Beaverton being my dream... but I don't think that Beaverton is necessarily the place for me. I have felt at home in Scappoose since I first walked in! It's easy to forget sometimes that I just started there.
Today I did an art project with my students. I wanted to make sure that the bulletin boards weren't bare for conferences. I made one as well, talking about the things I was thankful for. I secretly think that many of my students did a better job coming up with things to be thankful for than I did... but then they were thankful for things like soda and tacos...
Each day we grow a little more and I make a little progress towards feeling like an organized teacher. For now, we work together to get things done and get to PE on time! :) I love my crazy 6th graders, from J&J and their never ending eagerness to help, not only me, but also their peers. MO and his I'm sorries. Now if only I could get a doc camera and figure out where I want my darn desk! :)
03 November 2015
Opening Doors
What's the opposite of the saying "When it rains, it pours?" We all know that for the last 5 years I have been working my butt off trying to find my place. Not just in my career, but also in life. I've been trying to stay positive as door after door shuts. I've felt like I've been walking down a never-ending corridor of closed doors. Then a door opens... and suddenly those other closed doors aren't as big of a deal. They're still closed, and it still weighs heavily, but not as much as before. Behind that door was the most caring, understanding, and supportive guy I think I've ever met. A guy who gets me like no one has before. A guy who would do just about anything just to see a smile on my face. Because of him, I no longer hear the darkness screaming. 1:6billion
So... those doors... I'm still walking down that corridor, now with him by my side, delightfully distracting me from the ones still closed. Well, I was... you see another door has opened. I'm a little nervous... it feels a little big for me... But when I turn... I see him, there by my side. Beyond him I see everyone else, those of you who have supported my dreams and encouraged my passion. Now when someone asks what I do, I get to say I'm a teacher. And when they follow up with, "Oh, what grade?" I don't have to say, I'm a sub, or I work with all levels... I get to say, I teach 6th grade!
Yes, you read that correctly, I have a full-time, contracted, U.S., Oregon, Metro Area JOB! I feel like things are actually going in the right direction. I think, just maybe, this is what HIS plan was all along. I've tried really hard to believe and have faith that He does in fact have a plan, and I finally feel like I can see it. I can't believe that tomorrow I am going to sign my first contract.
14 October 2015
I AM The Reason
I feel like this is my biggest road block. I have the hardest time remembering to count to 10 before saying things. I opened my mouth tonight and all it achieved was making me feel insecure. It has bugged me for the last two and a half hours. Bugged me to the point that I had to get up and write. Hoping that if I just got it out of my head and down on "paper" that I could let it go. My words did three things, serving no positive purpose. They put words/feelings into someone else's mouth, made someone uncomfortable and made me feel like crap. It's not just that I can't keep my mouth shut, it's that I can't say the things I should say, for fear of other's reactions, and can't not say the things that I shouldn't say. I don't even consider the reactions of others. I need to be better about saying the things that need to be said and letting go of the words that are best kept silent.
21 August 2015
War Paint and Inner Peace
Tonight I went to wash my face and take off my war paint. I took off my glasses and looked in the mirror and thought of a picture posted recently by my bestie. One in which she mentioned the value of natural beauty. Those of you who know me well, know that I'm a when I feel like it kind of makeup girl. I don't wear it daily and I won't put it on just to run to the store. I would say that I might wear makeup 5 days a week. By wear makeup I mean I put on eye liner, a couple of shadows and mascara. Some lipstick if I'm feeling a bit fancy. That to me is doing my makeup, and usually I do it just so I don't feel quite so plain behind my glasses.
On special occasions I pull out the war paint. That's the only time I actually cover my face with anything. It's never a traditional foundation. Today, it was just a self tinting moisturizer. But let's address that title... war paint... I wear it for interviews. ALWAYS. I often wear it for dates, with guys or friends, when I just want to look a little more adult and put together. I wear my war paint when I have to put on my big girl pants and get something done. I never feel like I HAVE to wear it. I wear it because I like the confidence it gives me. Maybe I'll finally take the other step possible to give myself that confidence... maybe... someday... but not tonight.. Tonight I will maintain the status quo. I'm feeling pretty peaceful tonight. It's a feeling that I have cherished since I got off that tiny puddle jumper after 114 days of feeling complete mental turmoil.
On special occasions I pull out the war paint. That's the only time I actually cover my face with anything. It's never a traditional foundation. Today, it was just a self tinting moisturizer. But let's address that title... war paint... I wear it for interviews. ALWAYS. I often wear it for dates, with guys or friends, when I just want to look a little more adult and put together. I wear my war paint when I have to put on my big girl pants and get something done. I never feel like I HAVE to wear it. I wear it because I like the confidence it gives me. Maybe I'll finally take the other step possible to give myself that confidence... maybe... someday... but not tonight.. Tonight I will maintain the status quo. I'm feeling pretty peaceful tonight. It's a feeling that I have cherished since I got off that tiny puddle jumper after 114 days of feeling complete mental turmoil.
12 August 2015
One Special Lady
I came home to help Gramma after she had, had a pre-op procedure. This one an angiogram, which meant she couldn't use the arm they used like she normally would. We were in the kitchen making dinner, me doing the work and her doing the instructing, when she started telling me about her procedure. Specifically about the woman who introduced herself as Kathy. While Gramma was having the procedure Kathy took the time to pull down her mask and have a conversation with her. She asked where Gramma was planning on having the surgery and who her doctor would be. Once Gramma told her Tuality and Dr. Hill, Kathy told her that she would be with her before, during and after her surgery.
It made a big impression on her. She told that story to everyone who asked about her surgery. When we went into Dr. Hill's office for her pre-op appointment, she even told Dr. Hill. As we prepared for her surgery the following week, I could see Gramma getting a little nervous. When we went to the pre-op clinic for that appointment Gramma was telling the story to the woman asking questions. That woman was actually Kathy. Of course with no mask or cap she looked a little different. I could see Gramma physically relax as she realized that Kathy really was with her like she had said she would be. Kathy walked us through everything. She made sure that any questions Gramma had were answered, and that Gramma understood everything that was going to happen. When we headed back home the day before surgery, while still nervous, she knew exactly who we were meeting the next morning.
Arriving at the hospital and checking in Gramma was still telling the story of how Kathy had introduced herself during the angiogram. As Kathy was getting Gramma settled in, she continually made sure that Gramma was as comfortable as possible. She also continually informed us of what was going on and what to expect from how "see you soon's" would happen to how we would be updated about the progress of the surgery. I never once found myself in the waiting room thinking, "I wonder what's happening," because as soon as I would start to she would come walking in to give us the information.
When the surgery was over and we were going in to see Gramma, well that's when I learned how important Kathy was to me. As humans we only have so much control over our emotions and less over our emotional triggers. Kathy had prepared us on what we would see, but all my fears chose that moment to surface. The similarities, though they were VERY few, between walking into this room and what we had experienced when Papa was in the hospital, made me stop in the middle of the hall. I knew she would be on a ventilator, and even why, but I immediately thought of all the things that the other hospital didn't do right. Kathy gave me the time to control my emotions, we all know I can't talk when I'm that upset, and listened to my fears. The biggest one being that I wouldn't be there if something went wrong, that I wouldn't know. Kathy wrapped her arm around my shoulder and guided me forward. We walked into Gramma's room and Kathy immediately walked to the information board and asked for my number. She then made sure that the nurse knew it was there and that I would be contacted. She explained things to me, and made sure that I knew what was going on. She introduced me to the nurse, and again the next day when I came in she was there, checking in on Gramma and introduced me to the new nurse. There was so much power in the level of comfort she was able to provide because she was there from the beginning. It's tough being alone in taking care of someone, but knowing Kathy was there and available through the whole process if I had questions was a huge weight off of my shoulders.
It made a big impression on her. She told that story to everyone who asked about her surgery. When we went into Dr. Hill's office for her pre-op appointment, she even told Dr. Hill. As we prepared for her surgery the following week, I could see Gramma getting a little nervous. When we went to the pre-op clinic for that appointment Gramma was telling the story to the woman asking questions. That woman was actually Kathy. Of course with no mask or cap she looked a little different. I could see Gramma physically relax as she realized that Kathy really was with her like she had said she would be. Kathy walked us through everything. She made sure that any questions Gramma had were answered, and that Gramma understood everything that was going to happen. When we headed back home the day before surgery, while still nervous, she knew exactly who we were meeting the next morning.
Arriving at the hospital and checking in Gramma was still telling the story of how Kathy had introduced herself during the angiogram. As Kathy was getting Gramma settled in, she continually made sure that Gramma was as comfortable as possible. She also continually informed us of what was going on and what to expect from how "see you soon's" would happen to how we would be updated about the progress of the surgery. I never once found myself in the waiting room thinking, "I wonder what's happening," because as soon as I would start to she would come walking in to give us the information.
When the surgery was over and we were going in to see Gramma, well that's when I learned how important Kathy was to me. As humans we only have so much control over our emotions and less over our emotional triggers. Kathy had prepared us on what we would see, but all my fears chose that moment to surface. The similarities, though they were VERY few, between walking into this room and what we had experienced when Papa was in the hospital, made me stop in the middle of the hall. I knew she would be on a ventilator, and even why, but I immediately thought of all the things that the other hospital didn't do right. Kathy gave me the time to control my emotions, we all know I can't talk when I'm that upset, and listened to my fears. The biggest one being that I wouldn't be there if something went wrong, that I wouldn't know. Kathy wrapped her arm around my shoulder and guided me forward. We walked into Gramma's room and Kathy immediately walked to the information board and asked for my number. She then made sure that the nurse knew it was there and that I would be contacted. She explained things to me, and made sure that I knew what was going on. She introduced me to the nurse, and again the next day when I came in she was there, checking in on Gramma and introduced me to the new nurse. There was so much power in the level of comfort she was able to provide because she was there from the beginning. It's tough being alone in taking care of someone, but knowing Kathy was there and available through the whole process if I had questions was a huge weight off of my shoulders.
Wow! What a busy month! Can I just state for the record that Jessica has one of the kindest, most awesome mom's in the world? July rocked! It was CRAZY busy, but I had so much fun!
1. Gramma's Tree
1. Gramma's Tree
There once was a tree...it was a simple tree, but a beautiful tree. It provided shade and privacy for a beloved corner of a very special yard. A yard which over the years has hosted too many birthday parties to count, family BBQs, a place to relax when loved ones came to visit. The list could go on and on. The most important part of that space, at least to me, is the sanctuary it has been for Gramma. A place for her to find some solace after Papa left us.
Early this spring, during a storm, the plum tree came down. It was the last substantial tree in the yard. We were very lucky there wasn't any real damage.
Jess's mom was kind enough to give us a tree to plant in its place! Jess and I came and dug the hole and got it planted! We're still waiting to see if it's going to thrive! We sure hope so!
2. 4th of July fun!
I spent this 4th with Jess and her family! The whole group headed to a small festival like thing at the local strip mall! They had a bunch of activities for kids and the Safari Sam's was open as well. While the older kids were inside the play structure Jess, Shaun, Neven and I were playing arcade games. We decided to see if we could beat the Jumpin' Jackpot game! I've played many times, but have never come close to winning! Until this time!
![]() |
Arcade Wizard! |
3. Levi Nicholas Phoenix
July 9th 2015
4. An enchanted day!
Cheryl invited me along to help wrangle the kiddos! What a FUN day!
She's my bestie cause she gets me! |
Sure, I'll ride in your place! |
5. A concert at Sleep Country... I mean Northwest... whatever it's called!
Matt Nathanson...The Fray...Train. Though we did most of out silliness during the boring part of the show... or we were just listening to a recording? It was a great night with my two best friends! I couldn't ask for two better friends!
6. Rub Some Dirt In It?
Though I couldn't seem to remember what our team name was, I had an absolute blast at Dirty Dash! No, I didn't choose the best shoes, but I didn't let them get too much in my way! I am so thankful to have a best friend who not only pushes me, but doesn't leave me in the dust when my current best is far below hers!
Ok, so I might have pulled her down with me! |
7. Move out...
The final weekend of July had me moving out of my apartment! I'm so thankful to those who helped me and my bestie who reminded me that it was my first place all on my own and that needed to be documented by snapping a selfie!
11 August 2015
Overall not much happened in June... Like I have only a handful of pictures for the entire month...
1. Two weeks in one classroom at a school I really like!
For two weeks I subbed for a teacher who was out on medical leave. The greatest part was that she had finished all her grading... except for art! So I spent two weeks focused on ART! I also got to be part of a teacher flash mob! :-) It was a great two weeks! As pulled from my Facebook "Today was one of those days when I looked at the clock and it was 2:30... I'd swear all we had done all day was paint! Luckily, as it was pointed out to me... "No, Miss Miller we did math, pulled out the chairs for the assembly, had extra recess (while waiting the 10ish minutes for the assembly to start), went to the assembly, put the chairs and music stands away, had lunch and recess...and we did art!"
4 Different artists as inspirations! |
Yep that's it. Even my Facebook was boring for the month of June. Guess not all months can be fun :)
1. Mother's Day @ Amadeus Manor
Taking Gramma to Amadeus Manor was so much fun! There were old books to look at, and the entire manor to explore! Dad really liked the couch in the basement!Our bond over the last few years has become unbreakable. |
I snagged this #takeme503 magnet for Gramma on the drive home! |
2. A trip to the beach!
Gramma loves the ocean. She's told me all my life that it's a great way to put things back into perspective. I have done it many times. (I remember a time when I looked at a friend and two guys we were hanging out with and said... "Hey let's go walk on the beach!" It was night and we did.) Gramma only gets to the beach when I think of it. I wish she would tell me when she wants to go, because lets face it I could use the perspective more often! We didn't really have a plan other than to eat at Mo's so off we went stopping wherever we wanted! I don't know the name of where we ended up, but the few moments I caught of that spectacular day speak loud enough.
She is my best friend! I would be lost without her! |
3. This boy!
Deegan is Gramma's... well he's her little rascal! Deegan is such a ray of sunshine in Gramma's days!
Deegan's mom asked me to take some pictures of D and Gramma and of course I was happy to! I love watching them together!
4. #AlwaysKeepFighting
Jared Padalecki, of Supernatural, is an actor who has started a movement. He started it by simply sharing his own struggles. In May he posted that he wasn't going to be at a convention that he'd planed on attending because of the need to be surrounded by his family. It was his was of saying, hey guys, I'm struggling and I need some support. He even outright asked people to write to him. I got a notification that 90 people had "liked' what I had written to him. It just came pouring out of me.
"Hey Jared,
See that boy? The one in the back of the room, with his head bent almost in defeat. You might feel like that's you right now, but in reality, he's the boy you save. The boy who rushes home to see what you've posted on social media. The one who repeatedly watches videos you've posted and Supernatural. See when you started #AlwaysKeepFighting you made a connection with him. He no longer feels like he's alone. And when you reached out on social media to ask for love, he learned that it's ok to ask for help and love. So while we're here to help keep you in the light, you're keeping him in the light just by being you. The example you set for our youth is amazing! Thank you. Thank you for your sinceriousness.
Where Have All My Words Gone?
As I sit here reading Jess's blog I'm reminded how much I enjoy writing myself. I literally asked myself that very question. "Where have all my words gone?" I don't know the answer. For the last few months I've been just flowing along, thinking that since the one thing I want to happen isn't happening that nothing is. It's not true. There has been so much happening. So... here it goes... a recap of sorts. I'm going to try to do better. I love going back and looking at my posts... so it's time to start back up again... for myself above all others! :)
23 March 2015
For years I've used my blog as a way to get my head on straight. To sort though my feelings and make sense of things. I haven't blogged in months. Not because I've been doing so great and have everything figured out, but because I haven't had the words to describe what it is that I'm feeling. This post doesn't mean that I've suddenly figured out what those words are, it means that I'm fed up of not having the words.
Professionally I feel pretty much the same as I've felt for the last 5 years. Drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Who knows where I'll be in 2 months. Hopefully gearing up for a move to somewhere where I've been offered a position.
Physically I'm maintaining, but not entirely happy with myself. I've been using every excuse imaginable to not go to the gym. It's not even part of my thought process most days.
Emotionally... well I'm a mess. The whys behind it though are the complicated part. There used to be something that I was able to do... pretty much at a moments notice and while it's been missing for a few years, I've noticed in the past few weeks just how much I miss it. Not to mention some outside negativity that I've been having a really hard time listening to. I mean I get that we don't live in a world where everything is peaches and cream, but seriously, listen to yourself talk. Stuff happens, things come up and people get busy. We can't take those things personally. At one point I thought I had one aspect all figured out...but then the situation changed and now I'm right back where I started.
Today my headspace has been completely toxic. While owning up to how I'm truly doing usually makes me feel better... there's so sense of satisfaction as I conclude this post...
Professionally I feel pretty much the same as I've felt for the last 5 years. Drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Who knows where I'll be in 2 months. Hopefully gearing up for a move to somewhere where I've been offered a position.
Physically I'm maintaining, but not entirely happy with myself. I've been using every excuse imaginable to not go to the gym. It's not even part of my thought process most days.
Emotionally... well I'm a mess. The whys behind it though are the complicated part. There used to be something that I was able to do... pretty much at a moments notice and while it's been missing for a few years, I've noticed in the past few weeks just how much I miss it. Not to mention some outside negativity that I've been having a really hard time listening to. I mean I get that we don't live in a world where everything is peaches and cream, but seriously, listen to yourself talk. Stuff happens, things come up and people get busy. We can't take those things personally. At one point I thought I had one aspect all figured out...but then the situation changed and now I'm right back where I started.
Today my headspace has been completely toxic. While owning up to how I'm truly doing usually makes me feel better... there's so sense of satisfaction as I conclude this post...
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