1. Mother's Day @ Amadeus Manor
Taking Gramma to Amadeus Manor was so much fun! There were old books to look at, and the entire manor to explore! Dad really liked the couch in the basement!
Our bond over the last few years has become unbreakable. |
I snagged this #takeme503 magnet for Gramma on the drive home! |
2. A trip to the beach!
Gramma loves the ocean. She's told me all my life that it's a great way to put things back into perspective. I have done it many times.
(I remember a time when I looked at a friend and two guys we were hanging out with and said... "Hey let's go walk on the beach!" It was night and we did.) Gramma only gets to the beach when I think of it. I wish she would tell me when she wants to go, because lets face it I could use the perspective more often! We didn't really have a plan other than to eat at Mo's so off we went stopping wherever we wanted! I don't know the name of where we ended up, but the few moments I caught of that spectacular day speak loud enough.
She is my best friend! I would be lost without her! |
3. This boy!
Deegan is Gramma's... well he's her little rascal! Deegan is such a ray of sunshine in Gramma's days!
Deegan's mom asked me to take some pictures of D and Gramma and of course I was happy to! I love watching them together!
4. #AlwaysKeepFighting
Jared Padalecki, of Supernatural, is an actor who has started a movement. He started it by simply sharing his own struggles. In May he posted that he wasn't going to be at a convention that he'd planed on attending because of the need to be surrounded by his family. It was his was of saying, hey guys, I'm struggling and I need some support. He even outright asked people to write to him. I got a notification that 90 people had "liked' what I had written to him. It just came pouring out of me.
"Hey Jared,
See that boy? The one in the back of the room, with his head bent almost in defeat. You might feel like that's you right now, but in reality, he's the boy you save. The boy who rushes home to see what you've posted on social media. The one who repeatedly watches videos you've posted and Supernatural. See when you started #AlwaysKeepFighting you made a connection with him. He no longer feels like he's alone. And when you reached out on social media to ask for love, he learned that it's ok to ask for help and love. So while we're here to help keep you in the light, you're keeping him in the light just by being you. The example you set for our youth is amazing! Thank you. Thank you for your sinceriousness.
<3 adoring="" an="" and="" fan="" p="" parent.="" pseudo="" teacher="">
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