10 December 2009
I'm sorry...
I know that instead of blogging I should actually be making phone calls, but I'm a pansy. I've been a real grouch this week and for it I'm sorry. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster. Until my brief chat with my brother I didn't even know what it was that was affecting me. I thought that it had something to do with graduation, but I really couldn't pinpoint it, nor did I want to try. Two days from now I'll be a college graduate, I'll be walking across the stage and recieveing a rolled up piece of paper until my degree acutally comes. Eight days from now it will be three years since Papa died. I'm angry. I'm angry and I don't have anyone to be angry at. Graduation is the first milestone I have to face without him. All I want is to be able to hear his voice and I know I'll never hear it again. Since high school I've dreamt of hearing him cheer me on at my college graduation and I'll never hear it. Sure I can here what he's say, but I can't hear him. It's not fair, and I'm mad. I've been trying so hard not to take my feelings out on other people this week, especially since I didn't even know what was causing them, but I don't think that I've been very successful. I have a lot of wonderful people who are proud of me and love and support me and I am very very thankful for all of them. As great as they are, they can't fill the void that's left behind by his absence. I just pray that I can remain strong enough and can feel his presence with me on Saturday. I know he'll be there, watching and cheering me on, I just hope that I can feel it without other people trying to tell me that he's there.
17 November 2009
The Closing of a Chapter
Graduation is just days away. It seems unreal that in mere days I'll be done with my degree and walking across a stage yet again. It seems like just yesterday that I was in the tunnel with my friends waiting for the march to begin. Like just yesterday when my parents and grandparents dropped me off at my dorm and said goodbye. It's amazing to think it's actually been 5 years. I can still picture standing in front of the WUC watching them pull away. Freshman year brought about new friends, as well as new enemies. New crushes, new experiences, new food, and new travel. That summer brought new love, new heart break and a new resolve on life. Sophomore year brought about a new apartment, a best friend, and new leadership experiences with AFROTC. It also brought me a new lease on life, one that showed me that you can't escape your passion. Junior year was like a fresh start with a new major and shortly after a new roommate. Senior years flew by. Though at times it's still unreal that Papa's not here. Now after all this time it's about to be over. I'm really going to finish, it's like I can see the finish line and instead of having a burst of energy to finish I'm walking, quite slowly, not sure that I want it to end just yet. I'm ready though, For the first time I'm not bogged down by deadlines and due dates. I'm ready to turn my work sample in and be done with it. Ok so no I haven't actually finished my work sample, but I'm so close that I don't want to do it anymore. I just need that one last burst of energy to finish everything. It's coming... maybe tonight after I eat my chicken... oops!!! MY CHICKEN IS STILL IN THE OVEN!!! Ok so my chicken's fine, still not quite done but that's ok! Guess I should go keep an eye on it though :)
18 October 2009
Musical Escape....

Music truly is my escape from the world. Not always from bad things though. Music gives me my high. I apologize if that sounds wrong or inappropriate. Dancing used to be it for me, but as I've grown dancing has just become second nature. One of my students came up to me last week and asked why I was always twirling around. He even demonstrated what he'd been seeing. It kinda caught me off guard, I didn't realize that I'd been doing it. I looked at him and said, "I guess I must be happy, I dance when I'm happy." It's true. I do dance when I feel happy. My best school days are when I walk into the building with my iPod playing. It gets me fired up for the day. Music has been my escape since I can remember. I'm glad I have my music, even if I can't play an instrument, or sing well, music makes me happy.
15 October 2009
Gone to forever chase his basketball...

Saturday brought great sadness to my family. Our beloved Wyatt decided that it was his time to join Papa. Wyatt's importance to me is unknown to many people. For it to be understood I have to go aways back.
When I was in kindergarten my dad found a beautiful dog at a job site. We named her Measha and she was part Husky, part wolf. She was a wonderful dog, however she liked to run away. On Christmas Eve morning she gifted us four precious puppies, 3 resembling her and 1 resembling... well something else. That of course was the puppy I feel in love with. We named in Bear and he was an amazing pet. He was
the only puppy we kept and after Measha ran away again he was the only pet we had. We moved to a new house and he became our protector. We lived there for two years. Then came the time to move again. This time we were moving into an apartment. This meant that Bear needed a new home. My only happy thought was that my aunt and uncle were going to take him. Then they too had to move. My entire childhood I was told that a new home was found for my Bear. It wasn't until I was much older that I found out that I was lied to. I vowed I'd never again want a dog.
Then my senior year of high school my dad and I moved. One day he brought home this dog. This dog who
snapped at me, and meant I had to do all of this extra work. I had to feed him, and make sure he had water, and take him our and play with him and let him outside. Slowly Wyatt wiggled his way into my heart. When dad started spending more time at his girlfriend's hosue Wyatt and I stayed home. He became my best friend, and greated me every day when I got home from school. Sure he slept with dad, until dad left for work, then it was my bed he wanted.

I remember the first time he had a seizure since we had him. It was the scariest day of my life! I was sitting in the dinning room at the computer desk and he walked past me. He was always walking over my feet.
This time, however he ran into the desk. I looked down and realized that he was shaking. I ran for the phone and called my dad, who didn't answer. My next call was to Papa. He told me I just needed to sit with him, and that if I was still scared I should get my neighbor to sit with me until my dad got home. We sat on the porch, and the second Wyatt heard dad walking up he just jumped up like there was nothing wrong.

I'm sad that he's gone, but I feel honored that he felt safe enough with me to be willing to go in my arms. I'll miss Wyatt, but I'm thankful for all of the wonderful memories I have of him. He'll always be a part of my family.
10 September 2009
Quote of a Lifetime
"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you have never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, Be afraid that it will never begin!"
My brother sent me this quote some time ago and recently I rediscovered it while I was cleaning out my inbox. It's definitely a quote that makes you stop and think about the things in your life. I truly feel blessed to be surrounded by the people in my life. Not just the people in my family, and not just the people I see on a regular basis. It's the delicate balance of all of those people who have helped to shape me into the woman I am today.
I've been let down by the very person who was never supposed to let me down. I've had my heart broken more than once, and yes it was harder the second time. I'm sure I've even broken a heart or two, though never intentionally, and believe me when I say that I remembered what it felt like to have mine broken. To the point of thinking of sacrificing my own happiness to save theirs. I've fought with some of my best friends, though usually it flies under the radar. I'm sure I've blamed new for something old did, and I'm sure I'll do it again. I've spent quite a bit of time crying because time is passing too fast, and because I've lost someone I love.
Due to all of this, I will try to remember to take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like I've never been hurt. This if the final page of one chapter of my book, but there are many more chapters to follow. I look forward to turning the pages and seeing what the future will bring.
My brother sent me this quote some time ago and recently I rediscovered it while I was cleaning out my inbox. It's definitely a quote that makes you stop and think about the things in your life. I truly feel blessed to be surrounded by the people in my life. Not just the people in my family, and not just the people I see on a regular basis. It's the delicate balance of all of those people who have helped to shape me into the woman I am today.
I've been let down by the very person who was never supposed to let me down. I've had my heart broken more than once, and yes it was harder the second time. I'm sure I've even broken a heart or two, though never intentionally, and believe me when I say that I remembered what it felt like to have mine broken. To the point of thinking of sacrificing my own happiness to save theirs. I've fought with some of my best friends, though usually it flies under the radar. I'm sure I've blamed new for something old did, and I'm sure I'll do it again. I've spent quite a bit of time crying because time is passing too fast, and because I've lost someone I love.
Due to all of this, I will try to remember to take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like I've never been hurt. This if the final page of one chapter of my book, but there are many more chapters to follow. I look forward to turning the pages and seeing what the future will bring.
07 September 2009

I guess this is something that I need to work on. I've always thought envy was ok... but now that I'm thinking about it... isn't envy one of the seven deadly sins?
21 August 2009

We saw lots of great things and even took in Bette Midler's show. It was ab
solutely hilarious until the last song. She closed her show with Wind Beneath My Wings and boy did I cry. We spent time by the pool. Danced the night away at Studio 54. Watched the lions lay about at MGM Grand. Got lured by the Sirens of TI (Treasure Island). Witnessed the fall of Atlantas in Ceasers Palace. Oogled over both our waiter and cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. Found the jewelery of my dreams!!! Swam with the fishes at Mandalay Bay. Fulfilled goals/dares at Fremont Street/Studio 54. Saw a guy who thought
Oregon Girls Rocked and proudly wore a shirt saying so. We even went to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris.
The greatest thing about our trip? We're all still friends! I think... though I haven't heard from anyone since we got back... Jess... Em... Jessica... we are still friends aren't we? ......... Just kidding!
05 June 2009
Lost in Confusion
I haven't blogged in so long I wouldn't know what my last post was without actually looking. That's very sad to me. I've become so "busy" that I've lost my most prized passion. Writing has taken a backseat to everything. This is hopefully the beginning of the end of my dry spell. I've had lots of things change and I have a very exciting summer coming up. I'll be spending the majority of my summer in Washington working at a Girl Scout camp as their leadership specialist. I'm truly looking forward to the fun and challenge of another summer at camp.
I don't have much to say... but I'm definitely feeling very lost right now. I'm so lost that I can't find my usual end of the term motivation to finish up the last minute things. I have like four really simple papers to turn out as well as corrections, as ridiculous as they may be, on my work sample. I feel completely disconnected from the world. I almost completely lost it at school today. We have a student who moved today. Literally her parents were just waiting for their kids to finish their day at school before pulling the Uhaul out of the driveway. We were watching a video and the table group this student sits at was sitting in one of the tents that were set up in the classroom. (Yes REAL tents were set up. We were on a two day camp out in the tropical rainforest.) Anyway at this table sits the girl who was moving and her best friend. I happened to look down and notice that they were clutched on to one another. Now this is normally breaking the "no touch" rule, but I simply didn't care. I can remember being back in 6th grade and having this same feeling. It's how Melanie and I pretty much spend our whole last day.
On a different note I heard a really funny story today.... At our school the last weeks of school the first and second grade classes participate in a reenactment of what it was like to live in the old days when students went to school in a one room school house. For this the students are completely surrounded in a new life at school. They're given new names, families and other things that I haven't yet learned. The important part here is that they're given new "old fashioned" names. In one of the classes there was a boy who's new to the U.S. He comes from a place where their native language is not English. (nor is it Spanish) One day while in class (I'm sure is was very shortly after they were given their names and called on a few times) this student raises his hand. The teacher calls on him. He asks the following question: "Teacher, why you call me fat ass?" The teacher's reply was, "Thaddeus, Th, Th, Thaddeus, I'm calling you Thaddeus." In his home language they don't have the Th sound and the student was hearing something completely different. I personally felt bad for this student, but the incident was quite humorous. :)
I don't have much to say... but I'm definitely feeling very lost right now. I'm so lost that I can't find my usual end of the term motivation to finish up the last minute things. I have like four really simple papers to turn out as well as corrections, as ridiculous as they may be, on my work sample. I feel completely disconnected from the world. I almost completely lost it at school today. We have a student who moved today. Literally her parents were just waiting for their kids to finish their day at school before pulling the Uhaul out of the driveway. We were watching a video and the table group this student sits at was sitting in one of the tents that were set up in the classroom. (Yes REAL tents were set up. We were on a two day camp out in the tropical rainforest.) Anyway at this table sits the girl who was moving and her best friend. I happened to look down and notice that they were clutched on to one another. Now this is normally breaking the "no touch" rule, but I simply didn't care. I can remember being back in 6th grade and having this same feeling. It's how Melanie and I pretty much spend our whole last day.
On a different note I heard a really funny story today.... At our school the last weeks of school the first and second grade classes participate in a reenactment of what it was like to live in the old days when students went to school in a one room school house. For this the students are completely surrounded in a new life at school. They're given new names, families and other things that I haven't yet learned. The important part here is that they're given new "old fashioned" names. In one of the classes there was a boy who's new to the U.S. He comes from a place where their native language is not English. (nor is it Spanish) One day while in class (I'm sure is was very shortly after they were given their names and called on a few times) this student raises his hand. The teacher calls on him. He asks the following question: "Teacher, why you call me fat ass?" The teacher's reply was, "Thaddeus, Th, Th, Thaddeus, I'm calling you Thaddeus." In his home language they don't have the Th sound and the student was hearing something completely different. I personally felt bad for this student, but the incident was quite humorous. :)
24 March 2009
The Ups, the Downs, very downs, and the Ups again.

So I urge you, get involved. Anyway you can. Time. Money. Or even just word of mouth. It's up to you, How will you pay it forward?
21 March 2009
Turning another year older...
My 25th birthday started out uniquely. My mom started by texting me at 9 the night before to inform me that it was at that time 25 years earlier that she was telling my dad to hurry up and finish bowling, because she was going into labor with me. My dad texted me first thing the morning of my birthday to wish me a happy day. My mom also texted me a very special poem of sorts.
I guess that this would be a good time to mention that I was not looking forward to turning 25. It was a really rough start to a day that I honestly just wished would wait a few more years to come. I had always thought that by 25 I would have done so much more in my lifetime than I have. I thought that I would be married, finished with school and have started my career and be gearing up to have children. It was hard to think about the fact that I was turning 25 without any of those things being a reality.
I started my day by going to school and only informing my students that the day was special and that I had a surprise for them at the end of the day. When it came time for me to be able to share what I had for them (juice and cookies) they had many other guesses of what the surprise was, that their teacher was leaving early for the day, that the PE teacher was going to come in and sit with them, they had no idea that it was my birthday. When they found out they sang and gleefully drank their juice and ate their cookies.
After school was over Emily met me at my school and we ran errands together before meeting Matt and Jess at Red Robin's. I also had a good friend Breanna, who was working at the time to help make the evening even more special. We got seated before other people on the waiting list thanks to Breanna who was more than happy to add our table to her
I loved the hat, even though it said "Wow you're old!" on it. I'm really thankful to my wonderful friends who helped make the day extra special!!!
10 January 2009
I AM...
I just went through all of my quotes, of which I have 9+ pages worth. They really made me start thinking about things. This is one of the things I found among many others. It made me smile. I've found I'm finding things that I never thought I'd find. :)
I found a variation of this a while back but decided to finally tweak it to really fit me. I've been doing alot of reflecting lately and well I'm not sure what I've discovered... or maybe it's just that I'm not ready for everyone to know what I've discovered. I made a personal realization the other day that had a profound impact on my life. I just pray that I'm not setting myself up for disappointment. It's the doubt that's my worst enemy.

07 January 2009
Ever Growing...
I remember him wandering around Gramma & Papa's yard following after with gardening tools in his little purple jumpsuit. I remember laying with him in his "big boy" bed to get him to sleep at night. I remember packing him around with me when I wanted to hang out with friends. I remember going with his first grade class to the pumpkin patch.
Now he's 13 and inches taller than me. Sometimes I wish he could just realize 1/10 of his potential. He's been so beaten down over the years I just can't imagine how he'll overcome it. I believe that his maturity level is so far behind that of his peers that he'll have a horrible time trying to catch up by the time he reaches high school. It seems like that everytime he appears to be on top of things that something goes horribly wrong and a good chunk of the time it's him that causes the problem, through lying or doing something that he knows good and well that he's not supposed to be doing.
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