Scrounging for subbing jobs.
30 December 2010
Scrounging for subbing jobs.
16 November 2010
Unnecessary Panic
I guess the upside to this is that there were no computers missing, but I didn't discover this until I'd already made a fool of myself. Now I'm sitting here in my last class and all I want to do is curl up and go to sleep.
P.S. The Haitian girls in my class are my favorite! They're SO smart and actually respond about what they're thinking when they ask for help!
06 November 2010
Blast from the Past
Today I started like any other day. I got up, showered, dressed, packed my lunch and left the house. I drove to work and greeted the secretary, this time someone I’ve known since I was 14. I went to CJ’s office, got my plans for the day and headed to my classroom. After getting all settled and ready for periods 1 & 3 I looked around the table I was sitting at and spotted the Westview Prowl. The Prowl is the school’s newspaper and I’m sure it went by another name in another time. I picked up a copy and started reading. I read about 50 student math classes and 19 student AP Art classes. About a lack luster weight room, the end of a coaching dynasty and how sagging pants are the most irritating fashion at Westview. I also read about CJ’s adventure with “The Three Musketeers” and new theatre design teacher. Sadly I got to read about the Sunset Vandal who defaced Westview property heading into their spirit week. I then turned the page and once more and was hurled back in time four years. The school paper had decided to run a spread about how the war has cast a shadow over Westview. They focused on various students past and present who had dedicated themselves to their country. One of the articles was about the start of it all and included a review of the story about Marcus Nettles. As I was reading this I was taken right back to the day that they reported him duty station whereabouts unknown. Flash forward and I’m at the state fair where there’s a display up and Papa’s helping me to find Marcus’ name on the wall. Just knowing that if anyone really understood what I was feeling it was him. Flash forward and I’m sitting at a table reading a newspaper article about a guy who today’s students see as just a soldier. Not the amazingly nice guy who never judged a person by what crowd they fit in with. Not a brother, son and husband.
The rest of my day continued, nothing but one memory after another. Especially once I got started with Acting I, formally known as Intro to Theatre. The students were working on performing their monologues. I could instantly picture myself sitting on that very stage reciting my monologue from my freshman year. It was about a girl who had had enough of her family and decided that she’s going to hide out in the attic. This seems to go on forever as she rants about how horrible she has it until finally she gets hungry and has to go down to the kitchen for food. Yes that was from my freshman year of high school and I still remember the gist of what it was about.
The kicker to this blog entry? I wrote 90% of it by hand while I was working, and typed it on my laptop while the rest of my family slept so that I could post it the next day!
17 September 2010
Thinking Positively
I love the smell of
freshly cut pickles.
I love the sound of
lockers closing at the end of the day.
I love the sight of
kids being kids.
I love the taste of
an ice cold Pepsi
I love the feel of
jeans on Fridays!
I have so many things to be thankful for this week. I've been blessed to have worked three of the five days this week and gotten 4 days worth of calls. (Being in Idaho for the first call) I've already picked up two days for the coming weeks. I had a great day at Meadow Park MS and I got here 30 minutes early for the day. I also didn't have any behavior problems that weren't easily handled with a stern word or serious look. BUT I did just realize that I forgot to pass out the handouts for the weekend... dang. Oh, well... I'll blame the assembly!
06 September 2010
Coincidence, I don't think so...

28 August 2010
They never stop.
Pay off my credit card
Find a place of my own
Visit a new country
Read my bible
Make verbal contact with my besties weekly
Be 100% SELF responsible
Make written contact with my distant friends weekly
Have a monthly girls/guys night out
Find a church I can call home
Do something with the pictures I have saved
Remind those in my life that I love them
Find Mr. Right, not just Mr. Right Now
Prove to my nephew that he's loved, and valued and worth the world
Remind myself daily that I too, deserve the world
Read at least one book each month, no matter how busy I am (hey I had to add an easy one)
I'm sure this isn't every thing for my list, but it's a start at least. I know that I can make most of these things happen and for the ones that I can't, I'll leave them in God's hands. I know that he has a plan for me and for the first time since I can remember I believe that I'm on that path.
11 June 2010
There's No Charge For Love
"Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."
"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "These puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer....
"I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
"Sure," said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle.. "Here, Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur.
The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.
Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up...
"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers.
In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe.
Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."
With tears in his eyes, the farmer reached down and picked up the little pup.
Holding it carefully he handed it to the little boy.
"How much?" asked the little boy.
The world is full of people who need someone who understands.
15 April 2010
What is your answer?
What is your answer when an idiot asks how much do you make?
What Do Teachers Make?
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: 'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'
He argued, 'What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?'
To emphasize his point he said to another guest; 'You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?'
Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, 'You want to know what I make?
(She paused for a second, then began...)
· 'Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
· I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
· I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.
You want to know what I make?' (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.)
· ''I make kids wonder.
· I make them question.
· I make them apologize and mean it.
· I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
· I teach them to write and then I make them write.
· Keyboarding isn't everything.
· I make them read, read, read.
· I make them show all their work in math. They use their God-given brain, not the man-made calculator.
· I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
· I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
· I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say thePledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the United States of America .
I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.'(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.) 'Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant... You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make Mr. CEO?' His jaw dropped, he went silent.
03 April 2010
I Love Life!!!

09 March 2010
Injured on the Job
16 February 2010
Happy Feelings

In case you didn't get it through all of my ramblings and ponderings I'm happy. My life's not perfect, not at all where I thought it would be at this point, but I'm happy. I have assets, maybe not all 40 of them, maybe not even 30 of them, but I have them and I know that I can be an asset to others, but to do that I have to be happy with myself, and I am!
31 January 2010
The defeat of confidence
It seems that not only my closest friends, but also those who I bonded with while in the program have far more confidence in my abilities as a teacher than even I do. I've always felt like a confident person, but this realization made me think about how timid I am when it comes to my abilities. So I sit here today and proclaim that I am a great teacher! I deserve a job, and one that is actually in the field I've worked my butt off to be in. No, this doesn't mean that I wont keep applying for jobs outside of teaching. I'm not stupid I need a job like yesterday. I'm done doubting my own skills. I guess I thought that upon graduation I would just feel like a different person and that really hasn't happened. I still feel like me, a less stressed version of my self, but still me and I'm happy to be me!