I know I've been neglecting my duties as a blogger in terms of keeping this all up to date. Loads of stuff has happened in the recent past.
Let's start with a few weeks ago. I started dating a wonderful guy named Sean. We met through a "dating site" yes I know they're not always a positive thing... but you don't ever know what you'll find unless you put yourself out there. This particular site is nice because it "matches" you up with people based on your response to certain questions. Sean and I started talking and after a 6 hour phone conversation we decided that we should go on a date and see how it all played out. He ended up picking me up at Gramma's house and we went to Shocktober Fest at the Hillsboro County Fair Complex. It was a really fun night full of laughs and scares. I determined that I was completely terrified of chainsaws. After the haunted attractions we decided to go see a movie. We saw Quarantine and lemme tell you that was one messed up movie. He dropped me back at Gramma's after our 7 hour date.
The next weekend we went to see Saw V, I've finally found someone who will go see scary movies with me!!!
On the 31st of October Sean came down to see me in Monmouth. That night we officially became a couple. We've worked out seeing each other on the weekends and know that we both have busy workweek lives. He's a employee and student at Concordia University and lives in Vancouver, Wa.
Let's move on to the best weekend EVER!
I bought us tickets to the Oregon State vs Cal game on the 15th of October. My dad and Sheri picked us up in the morning and we hung out with them until the game started. I quickly learned that I LOVE watching football with Sean. He had no problems teaching me the things I had yet to figure out about football. I mean I had been watching football for years, alone, with my dad, with Papa, but no one had ever taught me what the downs were. I mean seriously I had no idea what a first down was and why it was important. I knew from watching it on TV that you wanted your team to make it past the yellow line that the people drew for you to know where the line was. That's it. Now I know exactly what it is, why it's important and I can enjoy watching football in a whole new way.
I know that there are people who are worried that I might be "rushing" things or whatever. But I can honestly say that before I met Sean I was a happy person. I felt whole and knew that no matter what I would be happy with my life. Now that I've met Sean I'm only happier. He treats me like a princess, better than anyone outside of my family ever has. I've done a lot of growing since my past relationships and this one is different than all of those before. I'm not with Sean to make someone else jealous, I'm not with Sean so that I'm not alone, I'm with Sean because I want to be and because I like him.
I have a lot of stress in my life right now, but I'm sure there's a reason for all of it. I know that as long as I continue to look up and remember that God's on my side I can do ANYTHING!!!
True love is finding your counterpoint in another. :) Name that movie my Cheesefry!
It's totally wedding crashers!!! Though I think I need to see the movie again.
You got it Dude! I can't tell you how excited I am for you and Sean. He seems like a really great guy and I know you pretty well, so I'd say you've got this figured out. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Besties. Hehe.
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