05 November 2008

So accomplished.

I've haven't felt this accomplished in so long. I can't believe the amount of work I've gotten done today. While I know that I spent much of the morning slacking off and doing lots of nothing I still got quite a bit of stuff done tonight. I managed to get almost completely caught up on my notes for one class and finished an entire lesson plan. *Caution confession coming* I've finally written a lesson plan all on my own!!! The idea and everything, all mine. No one can take any bit of credit for it. I still have a lot of work to get done. Including, but certainly not limited to a paper that's due Friday morning at 9 am.

As for other exciting news. I actually assisted in teaching for the first time in my class. There was an incident which required my teacher to step out to talk with the principal and she handed me the class. It was completely scary I wont lie. Lucky for me it was at the end of the day and the second easiest thing we do. It was a math lesson on doubles and neighbors (2 & 2 and 2 & 3). All I had to do was ask the students to tell me what went on top of our number sentence and what went on bottom. It felt really great that she trusted me to just completely take over the class, and to actually be teaching not just monitoring their abilities to work on a worksheet.

Lets see... what else is new? Well I guess an update about Sean is in order. In the words of Izzie Stevens, "We're going steady." lol There's just something about that statement that is so old school, aside from the fact that it's a term from the 50s. He lives in Vancouver and we only get to see eachother on the weekends, but I actually think that's likely a good thing. With him working during the week and me at school/in class during the week I'm way more focused, knowing that if I'm going to be responsible I have to get my work done before the weekend. Espeically since I don't do any homework on the weekends anyway. Never really have, well Sunday nights aren't really the weekend, just like Friday nights aren't really the work week. It's a nice trade off.

I... I don't know what else I really have to say, I've said alot tonight. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for new posts. You should 'pat yourself on the back' for the success of stepping in smoothly for your mentor. It's a huge trust factor and I'm glad your mentor is seeing other benefits of having a student teacher. :)