05 June 2009

Lost in Confusion

I haven't blogged in so long I wouldn't know what my last post was without actually looking. That's very sad to me. I've become so "busy" that I've lost my most prized passion. Writing has taken a backseat to everything. This is hopefully the beginning of the end of my dry spell. I've had lots of things change and I have a very exciting summer coming up. I'll be spending the majority of my summer in Washington working at a Girl Scout camp as their leadership specialist. I'm truly looking forward to the fun and challenge of another summer at camp.
I don't have much to say... but I'm definitely feeling very lost right now. I'm so lost that I can't find my usual end of the term motivation to finish up the last minute things. I have like four really simple papers to turn out as well as corrections, as ridiculous as they may be, on my work sample. I feel completely disconnected from the world. I almost completely lost it at school today. We have a student who moved today. Literally her parents were just waiting for their kids to finish their day at school before pulling the Uhaul out of the driveway. We were watching a video and the table group this student sits at was sitting in one of the tents that were set up in the classroom. (Yes REAL tents were set up. We were on a two day camp out in the tropical rainforest.) Anyway at this table sits the girl who was moving and her best friend. I happened to look down and notice that they were clutched on to one another. Now this is normally breaking the "no touch" rule, but I simply didn't care. I can remember being back in 6th grade and having this same feeling. It's how Melanie and I pretty much spend our whole last day.
On a different note I heard a really funny story today.... At our school the last weeks of school the first and second grade classes participate in a reenactment of what it was like to live in the old days when students went to school in a one room school house. For this the students are completely surrounded in a new life at school. They're given new names, families and other things that I haven't yet learned. The important part here is that they're given new "old fashioned" names. In one of the classes there was a boy who's new to the U.S. He comes from a place where their native language is not English. (nor is it Spanish) One day while in class (I'm sure is was very shortly after they were given their names and called on a few times) this student raises his hand. The teacher calls on him. He asks the following question: "Teacher, why you call me fat ass?" The teacher's reply was, "Thaddeus, Th, Th, Thaddeus, I'm calling you Thaddeus." In his home language they don't have the Th sound and the student was hearing something completely different. I personally felt bad for this student, but the incident was quite humorous. :)