14 October 2015

I AM The Reason

I feel like this is my biggest road block. I have the hardest time remembering to count to 10 before saying things. I opened my mouth tonight and all it achieved was making me feel insecure. It has bugged me for the last two and a half hours. Bugged me to the point that I had to get up and write. Hoping that if I just got it out of my head and down on "paper" that I could let it go. My words did three things, serving no positive purpose. They put words/feelings into someone else's mouth, made someone uncomfortable and made me feel like crap. It's not just that I can't keep my mouth shut, it's that I can't say the things I should say, for fear of other's reactions, and can't not say the things that I shouldn't say. I don't even consider the reactions of others. I need to be better about saying the things that need to be said and letting go of the words that are best kept silent